Rope Rescue Training
Rope Rescue Operations/Level I Training class
HEART 9/11 Rapid Response Team is getting ready for the 2022 Hurricane Season by taking rope rescue training at the USS Battleship NJ in Camden, NJ. The training includes:
Rope Rescue Operations/Level I Training - 2 days
The Rope Rescue Awareness & Operations program is designed to train the student in the skills drawn out of the job performance requirements found in Chapters 5 and 6 of NFPA 1006 2008 Ed., the NFPA Standard for Technical Rescuer Professional Qualifications. Students will receive instruction on the fundamentals of high and low angle rescues in both classroom and practical settings, including scenario-based instruction.
Rope Rescue Operations/Level II Training - 3 days
The Rope Rescue Level II Students will receive instruction on the advanced aspects of high and low angle rescues in both classroom and practical settings, including scenario-based instruction. Skills will include High Angle Patient Movement & Pick-Offs, High Line Rope Systems and Tending a High Angle Litter.